lunes, 13 de abril de 2015


  •      St. Mary´s Arch: Was the entrance of the walled city of Burgos in the 16th Century. It was built to reconcile with the king Charles V after some revolts. On it they are represented Nuño Rasura, Laín Calvo, Diego Rodríguez Porcelos, Fernán González, the Cid and Charles the V, there are also two soldiers, upper is the Angel Custodio and on the top is Virgin Mary. Now it´s open to public, inside you can visit the Pharmacy Museum, the Arch´s room and temporal expositions exposed inside.

  • St. Mary´s Cathedral: It was declared World Heritage site by UNESCO in 1984. This Cathedral is one of the primary examples of gothic art in Spain. It has form of Latin cross that opens to various funeral chapels. Inside it, it has a large exposition of religious art.

  •     The Castle: It was built when the city was founded in 884, it  is in an exceptional strategic point regard to the city. In 1813 the castle was destroyed by Napoleon, although some galleries, that can be visited, and part of the walls are conserved. The castle offers spectacular  views of the city.


  •      Monastery of Miraflores: It was built as a pantheon of Queen Isabel I, inside it, there is one of the best Gothic mortuary ensembles in Europe and an incredible altarpiece. Inside this monastery, the followers of Saint Bruno live their contemplative life.


  •      Monastery Santa Maria de las Huelgas: It was founded by Alfonso VIII and Leonor of Plantagenet as a royal mausoleum. In this monastery coronation ceremonies were held. In the monastery there is one of the best medieval cloth museum of Europe.


  •   • Museum of the Human Evolution: The museum is between two buildings, the National Human Evolution Research Centre and the Convention Palace. It is a very big museum where you can see the most important remains fund in the archaeological sites of Sierra de Atapuerca. This museum helps us to make a general idea of the human evolution.

  • Fadrique de Basilea Book Museum: This museum is dedicated to Fadrique de Basilea, the most important printer of Burgos; he printed the first edition of La Celestina. in this museum, you can learn about the history of the book and the written language.


  •     St Juan's Square: It is surrounded by:
  •       St. Juan's Arch: It was one of the gates of the old walled city in the XIII Century. Now, it is the gates throughout pilgrims come into the city.

  •       St. Lesmes' Church: It was built on the remains of St. Juan the Evangelist church and it is also the tomb of St. Lesmes, the patron of Burgos. It has the best pulpit of Burgos and an amazing altarpiece.

  •       St. Juan's Monastery: It was founded in 1091, in 1537 it caught on fire and it could be rebuilt. In the XIX century the monks were expelled and it became a prison. Now it is the Marceliano Santa María's museum.
  •       Public Library: It is a modern building with an old gate; the only remain conserved of the St. Juan's Hospital which caught on fire in 1949.

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